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1. MINING/INDUSTRY corp looking for recruites - in Alliance and Corporation Recruitment Center [original thread]
Spelling that bad is really unattractive, try spell checking before you hit post or just learn how to spell "People".
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.07.14 15:08:00
2. HULKAGEDDON V (discuss) - in In-Game Events and Gatherings [original thread]
Enoch Schereau wrote: If the event were concentrated - over a single weekend, or say 4 days at most I agreed with you for that part. 1 Month is faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar too long. The 100m per 10 kills is just -.- . It stopped being any fun for m...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.04.29 22:19:00
3. Sticky:New dev blog: UK Pricing Provides Sterling Service - in EVE Information Portal [original thread]
Great news ! I make enough isk per month to pay for 2 accounts but it leaves me very little isk to play with so this is great timing with my decision to go back to a monthly subscription !
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.04.13 11:42:00
4. Trauma Heavy Missiles....... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
I agree in essence with changing all the missiles of the same damage type but they should be named the most popular of the previous names. The only reason Scourge and Trauma have been swapped is cause so many noobs that fly drakes ran to the forum...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.04.01 11:15:00
5. Are Battlecruisers simply too good? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
All ships need to be rebalanced in relation to the game at it's current stage. There's a lot of ships with a very small niche and a small amount of ships used far too frequently.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.03.20 21:26:00
6. I would like a cheap Tengu PVE fit... - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Broken Thoughts wrote: OP said cheap, hes prolly a noob and you post fits with deadspace mods...morons Exactly, was wondering the same thing lol.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.02.07 19:23:00
7. T2 cruise missiles - some general questions - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Precision are not useless, they are just a lot more of a niche.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.02.06 23:18:00
8. Which is better - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Aestivalis Saidrian wrote: The idea behind Meta 4 being 'better' was for it to be harder to find but T2 to be 'superior' due to availability or something From what i have learned from experience with other modules, usually the T2 is better w...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.02.06 17:23:00
9. Which is better - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Local Hull Conversion Inertial Stabilizers I or Inertia Stabilizers II . I would have thought the T2 (Meta 5) was better than the Meta 4 item but it has a larger signarture radius boost, which then leads me to wonder about my understanding ...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.02.06 17:09:00
10. Magnificent Balance - in Science and Industry [original thread]
Your manufacturing on public lines? Oo
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.30 02:48:00
11. Can flippers and gankers in High sec problem - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Can flippers made me the man i am today. After i got harassed by the same guy afew times, i went and learned the mechanics so i could take him down. All games are Rock-Paper-Scissors based, you just have to learn the rules. Eve has a delicate ba...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.30 02:34:00
12. Best dedicated ship for AE and WC lvl 4? - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Missle Typhoon.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.28 16:02:00
13. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Silas Shaw wrote: Pod yourself. Lots. Right back at you
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.28 09:33:00
14. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Next you will be saying rare items should be coloured purple...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.27 22:09:00
15. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Once you start removing 1 layer of what makes eve different and awesome, its not long before the next and the next and the next. MK 1..2..3 is boring, its not far off saying +1 +2 +3 which just totally sucks.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.27 21:28:00
16. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Actually id say the T2 Missiles are fine. There is 2 types of missiles and 2 variations. Unguided Javelin - long range + Lower damage Rage - short range + high damage Guided Fury - long range + high damage Precision - short range + low...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.27 15:00:00
17. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
Yes exactly, things like guns (hybrid and projectile) should have same name, armor hardeners and energized plating etc should be the same. The missiles were a good idea but i would have prefered if they picked the best name from each damage type, ...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.27 13:22:00
18. Univerasal Naming convention - in Ships and Modules [original thread]
In light of the recent naming changes to missiles, which i think have been a relative sucess, shouldnt all modules now be reassessed? A good example here, on Projectile Turrests 'Scout' refers to Meta level 4 while on Hybrid turrets ' Scout' refer...
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.27 12:50:00
19. They won't stop at nerfing the Drake... - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
The Drake is overplayed and ruins the experience of eve. The tank is seriously overpowered and way too many people hide behind it. There is a lot of other fascinating ships out there that players ignore because a drake feels like a safter option.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.24 23:06:00
20. Bad Timing on Downtime - Any compensation? - in EVE General Discussion [original thread]
Ive played through afew patches before but today's lesson was more more about planning major operations with more consideration to upcomming server events.
- by Jack Corigan - at 2012.01.24 22:56:00
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